Football | The ALFA Project Calgary & Kelowna's Elite Strength & Condition/Speed Development Company Mon, 27 Sep 2021 16:11:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Football | The ALFA Project 32 32 Former Dinos trying to bring winning culture to Colts from the sidelines Mon, 27 Sep 2021 16:11:23 +0000 Football is a game that you can’t play forever, it’s just the cruel nature of the sport… unless you’re Tom Brady of course. But even the great Brady will at some point have the face the bitter reality of hanging up the cleats and moving on from playing the game we all love. However, for many, […]

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Football is a game that you can’t play forever, it’s just the cruel nature of the sport… unless you’re Tom Brady of course.

But even the great Brady will at some point have the face the bitter reality of hanging up the cleats and moving on from playing the game we all love.

However, for many, as their playing career comes to an end, their career as a coach is just about to begin.

Such is the case for many former University of Calgary Dinos players, who are new members of the Calgary Colts coaching staff under head coach Dennis Holowaychuk.

Boston Rowe, Jimmy Underdahl and Tyler Ledwos are just three of the former players who are in their first full season with the junior squad. Other former Dinos on the staff include Connor Robinson, Matt Lamoureux and Connor McGough.

For Rowe – the co-defensive coordinator – part of the reason he joined the staff was because he had so many coaches that helped him succeed, he felt as though he had a duty to do the same.

“I realized that throughout my football career I got some pretty good coaching,” explained the former Dinos linebacker. “Not everyone gets that opportunity, so I feel more of a responsibility to pass that on to the next guys coming up.”

And although he has that wealth of knowledge, Rowe admits there have been some challenges in his first full year as a man on the sidelines.

“As a player you kind of take for granted how much prep work the coaches actually do,” said Rowe. “You just show up and everything is already made and you just follow in line, but as a coach, there is so much more to it.”

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Luckily for Rowe, he has a tremendous coaching staff supporting him. Ledwos, who coaches the receivers, thinks that the fact that many of the coaches have experience with the University of Calgary, whether it be as a player or a coach, helps the coaching staff stay on the same wavelength when it comes to their overall vision for the team.

“We have a great combination of experienced coaches such as Dennis and a few other veterans, mixed with myself and the other U of C guys,” said Ledwos. “It always feels like we are on the same page in terms of what our expectations should be with our players.”

Unfortunately, the beginning of the 2021 season has not gone the way that the coaching staff would’ve hoped, as the Colts have dropped their first five games of the season. It’s not what a lot of them are used to, but Underdahl knows that creating a winning atmosphere takes time, especially with such an inexperienced roster.

“Dennis’ whole message when he brought us on board was that he wanted to create this winning culture and change the culture of the Colts team he was taking over,” said the quarterbacks coach. “But at the end of the day, we are just so young and only have a handful of guys who have ever played a snap of post-secondary football.”

Underdahl went on to explain that despite the shaky start, the message to the team moving forward remains fairly simple.

“Execute and compete,” he said. “We really just have to try and be patient and worry about doing your job every single play. Like I said, we are so young, it will come.”

And with so many Dinos on the staff, it probably won’t take long.

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Calgary and area coaches rejoice as high school football returns Fri, 10 Sep 2021 14:57:06 +0000 The ALFA Project is excited to announce the creation of our media page. The ALFA media page will be focused on Calgary and surrounding area football stories from all levels. We have partnered with Kellen Forrest, who will bring his love of football and desire to help shine the spotlight on the local football community.

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For members of the high school football community in Calgary and the surrounding area, the fall of 2020 was different. There were no Friday nights under the lights, no chilly October Saturdays bundled up in the stands, no nervous moments as their team finished a tightly fought contest.   


Thankfully, in the fall of 2021, it will all return. 

The Rockyview School Division returned to action this past weekend, while the Calgary High School Athletic Association league is still determining their schedule. But rest assured, high school football in Alberta is BACK. 

After a lengthy hiatus, the return of the sport obviously brought out a lot of positive feelings amongst those involved – joy, excitement and anticipation to name just a few. However, when asked to describe how it felt to be back out there with his team, Cody Ehrmann, head coach of the Henry Wise Wood Warriors, had a different emotion in mind. 

“I think there was a feeling of relief across the board,” said Ehrmann. “From parents, to athletes, to coaches, you could tell everyone had a weight lifted off their shoulders.” 

Especially after the never-ending rollercoaster that was last season. Ehrmann described that one of the most difficult parts of last year was all the uncertainty.  

“Last year we were moving forward under the hope that we would be able to play games of some sort,” he explained. “So when everything came to a complete end, at all levels, there was extreme disappointment.”

But with the unknown a thing of the past, this season, the appetite for football amongst the athletes seems to be at an all-time high. Just ask Robbie McNab, head coach of the Cochrane High Cobras. 

“The first day of camp was great, especially to see all the kids smiling again,” said McNab. “You tell them to show up 45 minutes early, and they were so excited they showed up two hours early instead.” 

McNab admits he and the rest of the coaching staff were also in good spirits, especially with an actual football game, against a real opponent, around the corner. 

“There is just the whole excitement of youth sport coming back together, including with us coaches,” he said. “It was good to be back with the guys, talking strategy, and actually preparing for something.” 

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And prepare they did, as McNab and the Cobras would defeat the Bert Church Chargers 50-21 this past weekend. 

Unfortunately for the Calgary schools, they are still playing the waiting game in terms of their first game action, but for Centennial Coyotes head coach Graeme Tomlin, without any wins or losses officially in the books, he already sees this season as a success. 

“We have 100 kids (50 junior, 50 senior) out right now, so that’s already a successful season in my eyes,” said Tomlin. “We obviously want all our games to be competitive games, especially with us all kind of being in the same boat coming out of the COVID stuff and no one knowing exactly what to expect.” 

Tomlin and the Coyotes are not alone, as expectations will be difficult to set for most schools this year. 

Luckily, wins and losses are most definitely a secondary measure in 2021, as just being back in action should be seen as a win for the entire football community. 

Enjoy the football filled fall Calgary football fans, you’ve waited long enough.


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WELCOME KELLEN FORREST Wed, 01 Sep 2021 15:40:18 +0000 The ALFA Project is excited to announce the creation of our media page. The ALFA media page will be focused on Calgary and surrounding area football stories from all levels. We have partnered with Kellen Forrest, who will bring his love of football and desire to help shine the spotlight on the local football community.

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The ALFA Project is excited to announce the creation of our media page. The ALFA media page will be focused on Calgary and surrounding area football stories from all levels. We have partnered with Kellen Forrest, who will bring his love of football and desire to help shine the spotlight on the local football community.

Kellen has been part of the Calgary football community for nearly two decades. He started playing football at the age of eight for the Cochrane Lions football, then eventually ended on to play for the storied Cochrane High Cobras football program. Finally, he finished up his playing career with the University of Calgary Dinos, where he played as a defensive back from 2012-2015.

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Once his playing career was over, Kellen knew he wanted to stay involved in football in some capacity. After he graduated from the University of Calgary with a degree in Kinesiology, he then traveled to Toronto to attend a Sports Journalism diploma program at Centennial College. Following his graduation from the program in the spring of 2021, Kellen has had his work published on major sites such as and, as well as continuing to work with the University of Calgary and

He is excited to partner with ALFA and share the stories of football players in Calgary and the surrounding area in hopes of continuing to grow the sport that has been such an important part of his life. 

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